Spring cleaning: the guide to Marie-Kondo-ing the most out of your home
When we do viewings at Jeremy Jacob, we sometimes hear prospective Tenants commenting on a property looking a bit “cluttery”. It is important to realise that this is completely up to the Tenants of the property – your home is what you make of it. Each and every home has the potential to be its Marie Kondo best.
When looking at properties, you may notice that the ones your eye catches first are the ones with beautifully bright photos. An old trick in the book used by us property agents is to ensure photos are taken when the Sun’s out and shining. This is because the brightness and light emphasises each element of your home. Unfortunately for some of us, this also means the pile of clothes in the corner of our rooms, the several pots and pans which need to be put away, as well as the dust collecting on that top shelf which you can’t be bothered to reach because “out of sight out of mind” also tend to be emphasised.
Here is a simple step by step guide to make the most out of the change of season.
Step 1: Start simple.
Don’t dive deep into the process – you will get overwhelmed, irritated, tired, and give up. Avoid your wardrobe and the kitchen cabinet which is dedicated to shoving anything and everything in for now.
Prioritise drawers, cabinets, and environments which you reach for or utilise on a day-to-day basis. This will make a significant impact on your day-to-day life, and therefore motivate you to continue your mission. To begin, ensure that everything has its own little place in your home, e.g., your beauty products, stationary, accessories, sentimental items, pharmacy products, etc.
It is also important to ensure that everything feels like it’s in the right place. For example, you may want to keep your skincare in the bathroom, and your hairbrush at your desk (depending on where you do your skincare / hair). This will enhance efficiency, and therefore increase comfort.
This is also a good stage to start planning your reorganisation process in terms of what goes where, and to start envisioning the vibe you would like to accentuate in your home.
Step 2: Let go
Marie Kondo preaches the importance of ensuring your belongings “spark joy”. When sorting through your items, deciding what to keep and throw out, regardless of whether it is old or new, hold it, and decide whether it “sparks joy” for you.
Start simple, don’t dive into sentimental items, as they can be more difficult to let go of. Starting with items such as cutlery and kitchenware may be easier and more straightforward. Eventually you’ll discover how you personally measure the value of your belongings, and the more sentimental items will be easier to sort through.
Step 3: Investing
Now that everything is in its place, try to think of ways to organise your items in the most practical and visible way. You don’t want to pile things on top of one another and get them mixed up.
Drawer organisers and boxes are a game changer. Everything is a lot more visually appealing, as well as functional and accessible. If utilised correctly, this can also save an enormous amount of space.
Step 4: Cleaning
Now that your floors, surfaces, and shelves are cleared of anything unnecessary, take the time to deep clean the (now visible) nooks and crannies in your home.
A lot of people tend to look at cleaning as a tedious, tiring, and time-consuming chore.
The beauty of maintaining a clean home is that that’s all there is to it: maintenance. Those of us who do enjoy cleaning enjoy it because there is not much to it besides that blissful relaxing feeling at the end of the day. If you ensure to maintain your environment throughout the week, you’ll find that there’s actually not much to it. It can be as simple as ensuring you’re putting kitchen tools back into their designated places whilst cooking, and wiping the kitchen countertop clean afterwards, or having a cloth at hand in your bathroom to wipe away any splashes of water after doing your skincare routine, or even as simple as hanging up your jacket in your wardrobe after taking it off, rather than throwing it on your chair. Even simpler, make your bed in the morning. You are already there right beside it, it literally takes a few seconds and already makes the foundation of the room look so much tidier.
With these simple changes in everyday life, all that there is left to do when you do your now not-so-deep deep clean is make sure your mirrors, tables, and bathroom look nice and shiny, your countertops are wiped clean, and that your floors are vacuumed. If you have wooden floors, why not polish them every once in a while too. This floor cleaner by Method is almond scented and creates the warmest aroma in rooms with wooden floors.
Try to enjoy it, too. Cleaning is a great way to stay active indoors. Open up the windows in your home to freshen up the air, put your favourite playlist on full blast, and you’ll be done before you know it.
Step 5: Final touches.
If, for example, you have a blanket you use every day, doesn’t mean you have to fold it and put it away each time you’re done using it just because it looks messy. Try to find a way to use it to accessorise your environment – such as by using it as a bed throw. The same goes for the handbags you use on a day-to-day basis – storing them away is impractical. Narrow down the ones you reach for most, and maybe find a way to put them on display in a practical and visually aesthetic approach. For jewellery, maybe find a nice jewellery stand to display your go-tos. But don’t put everything on display – as this can look messy.
Now, for the cherry on top – you’re done cleaning, your surfaces are nice and shiny, your bed linen is fresh and crisp, the only thing that’s missing is scent. Scents can really enhance the atmosphere and the energy of a room, as well as having a great impact on your mood. Scented candles, a diffuser, or even incense, can be a great way to end the day in a relaxing ambiance.