Decorating your home, renter-friendly edition
We all know that making a house a home is the goal for any space we move into, regardless of whether we ‘own’ said space. Sometimes renting can make you feel as though you’re taking on another person’s style, especially when renting a furnished property, however this doesn’t always have to be the case. Check out our renter-friendly tips for making your space, YOUR space.
Temporary wallpaper
Having a statement wall is always the best way to go when using wallpaper, it’s a fun way to quirk up your space whilst adding a unique factor to your home.
Plants are always a good way to spruce up your home, not only do they add colour and texture to a room, but they also help detoxify the air by acting as natural air filters, helping remove toxins and taking Carbon dioxide from the air and producing fresh breathable oxygen.
Faux Fireplace
Fireplaces seem to be a thing of the past, understandably, however leave it to the millennials to come up with a way to stylishly bring them back. These electric fireplaces are a great chic addition to your living room
Adhesive strips
Wall adhesive strips are every renter’s must-have! These easy-to-use strips are a great and safe way to hang up picture frames and wall art without damaging your walls.
When it comes to decorating, we rarely think about flooring because it’s usually the only part of the house we don’t need to worry about when moving in. However, this doesn’t mean it should be neglected. Adding a statement rug, or two for the brave-hearted, can really elevate the room and make it the center of your home, even if the room itself has minimal furniture.
Remember to venture out with different textures, sizes, and styles.